Our Story
Streetohome develops a survey to determine supportive housing residents’ needs, preferences and access to resources in three domains: housing, employment, and substance use.
Dr. Jiaying Zhao, UBC, interviews 108 residents in three supportive housing buildings about their needs, using the original survey. It’s determined that many needs have gone unmet due to a system of supports that are overwhelming to navigate, as well as personal stigma.
September 2018
Streetohome redevelops the Life Intentions Action Planner (LIAP) and maps out free services in Vancouver that can be self-referred to with the help of Adler University Social Justice Practicum students and volunteers.
December 2018
The LIAP is focus tested with Indigenous, LGBTQAI2S+, immigrants, youth, women, adults and seniors to ensure inclusivity along with personal, gender and cultural safety.
January 2019
Streetohome pilots the LIAP with 198 residents in eight supportive housing buildings.
March 2019
Streetohome volunteers re-engage those from the initial pilot to see if they completed any goals they said they wanted to work on. Many did.
June 2019
KPMG assists Streetohome with the development of a business case to advocate for the development of a mobile and web app version of the tools to increase accessibility and further enhance adoption.
February 2020
Streetohome Board commits to funding the development, maintenance and hosting of the app for five years.
November 2020
Streetohome issues an RFP to find an app developer.
March 2021
Excelar Technologies is the winner of the RFP.
April 2021
The LIAP app is named Want2 - as in “Do you Want2 find new glasses? Do you Want2 find an advocate?”
April 2021
Streetohome partners with BCARA to print the LIAP in kind. Streetohome distributes this freely to service providers in the Lower Mainland.
June 2021
Streetohome partners with BC Corrections to continue printing the LIAP in kind. Streetohome distributes this freely to service providers in the Lower Mainland.
January 2022
Streetohome engages local service providers to provide feedback around the marketing and back-end analytics for the app.
February 2022
Want2 is soft launched for testing purposes.
June 2022
Want2 2.0 (final) released.